octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase

Protein Family Details

  Property   Value
 Name octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase
Family ID 4106_m
First Chain 1v4e (A)
  No of Chains 23
  No of Clusters 1
  No of Rep. Chains 1
  No of Dimensions 0
No of Domain Movements 0


Cluster ID Diameter (A) No of Chains Representative Members
1 0.49 23 1v4e(A) 1v4e(A)  1v4e(B)  1v4h(A)  1v4i(A)  1v4j(A)  1v4j(B)  1v4k(A)  1vg2(A)  1vg3(A)  1vg4(A)  1vg4(B)  1vg6(A)  1vg7(A)  1wkz(A)  1wkz(B)  1wl0(A)  1wl0(B)  1wl1(A)  1wl1(B)  1wl2(A)  1wl3(A)  1wl3(B)  2azl(A) 

   All members come to one single tight cluster therefore the analysis for domain movements is not carried out for this family


Chain ID Protein Name Sequence Length Resolution
1wl1 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.45
1wl0 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.2
1v4e (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 2.28
1wl3 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 277 3.5
1v4j (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 2.85
1wkz (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 3.4
1wl1 (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.45
1wl0 (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.2
1v4e (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 2.28
1wl3 (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 278 3.5
1v4j (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 2.85
1wl2 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 2.8
1wkz (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 3.4
1v4h (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 277 2.8
1v4k (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 277 2.45
1v4i (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 2.4
2azl (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 2.8
1vg2 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.1
1vg7 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 3.4
1vg3 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 2.7
1vg6 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 279 3.35
1vg4 (A) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.3
1vg4 (B) octoprenyl-diphosphate synthase 280 3.3