Nucleoside diphosphate kinase II
Ligand-induced domain movement details

Jmol view of liganded conformation 2

Domain Movement

domain 1 is binding domain(fixed in space) domain 2 is binding domain(fixed in space)





 1s59(F) : LRE                                                
 1s59(C) : LRE                                                


  Property   Value
 Conformer 1 1s59(F)
 Conformer 2 1s59(C)
 Radius gyration for conformer 1 15.15 A
 Radius gyration for conformer 2 15.1 A
 EC Number  
Click here to see the DynDom results or the famliy
 Trigger ligands DGT1102
 Trigger ligands in which conformation Conformation  2
 Conformaton with trigger ligands is compact Yes
 Spanning ligands Yes
 Residues in enzyme contacting ligands ARG184  ASN194  GLY192  GLY198  HIS197  LEU134  LEU143  LYS91  PHE139  THR173  THR191  TYR131  VAL196 
 Residues in extended bending regions contacting ligands Null
 Residues in extended bending regions making H-bonds or salt-bridges with ligands Null
  Residues in extended bending regions with an H-bond between its main chain and ligands Null
Click here to see the details of H-bonds between ligands and enzyme in PDF format generated by LIGPLOT