DomainSelect is a program that allows you to select the domains yourself. It then analyses the rigid-body movement of one domain (the moving domain) relative to the other domain (the fixed domain) in the same way as the DynDom program. It outputs details such as the angle of rotation, etc, and a RasMol script file which colours the domains and depicts the hinge axis. The DynDom program determines the domains based on the movement automatically and judges when it is sensible to approximate the conformational change in terms of the relative movement of rigid bodies. DomainSelect has no such safeguards and therefore should be used with caution.
Enter structure file names and domain definitions, and then click the Run button. You may select files from the PDB database by entering the PDB code or use the Browse buttons in the form to upload your own files in PDB format.
Residue ranges entered below should be given as if residues are numbered by counting from the first residue in the files.